My Wardrobe

I’ve mentioned before that I have way too many clothes, scarves and accessories. I wasn’t sure where to start in de-cluttering. I didn’t want to just get rid of everything and have nothing left, I didn’t want to be too rash and get rid of things that I’d later regret but I definitely needed to start somewhere – also, as I cant really fit into my cloths now that I am four months pregnant, it seems like a good time to do it.

So I turned to Google. To start with I couldn’t really find anything helpful or relevant to me. My main issue was that I’m never happy with what I had and constantly shopped for the perfect piece to finish my wardrobe. I finally came across a blog and one little tip was to look at the outfits you’ve pinned on pintrest to get idea of what you liked. That seemed like a really good idea as I do have outfits pinned on pintrest. I was really shocked with what I saw.

The first reason was because there was a definite trend. In fact the they were all basically the same kind of outfits. For winter it was blue jeans – skinny and regular, with boots or sandals, all with white and shirts: some plain, some fancier, with fitted coats and jumpers and over sized totes. For summer it was generally long skirts with sses demin jackets or fitted pinafore’.

The second reason I was shocked was because I own basically nothing that was repeated. Not even a white shirt, no demon jacket, no boots, no pinafore dresses.

My aim – long term is a 30 piece clothing wardrobe. Because I’m four months pregnant, I won’t be adding piece until after the birth of the baby. I’ve began removing clothes and one thing I’ve found is a lot of the stuff I don’t wear has really lovely fabric. I obviously bought them because I feel in love with the material but didn’t like the style, the fit or the colors washed me out. Instead of donating those pieces, I’ve put them in a basket and I intend to sew with the material. 1. So I don’t just throw out fabric I love and 2. Because fabric is soooo expensive so this saves money in that regard.

I’ll keep you updated 🙂


Our ‘get out of debt’ plan

I have a few blogs connected to this account. Earlier today I posted this post, meant for this blog. I got a comment saying something along the lines of ‘wow! So honest!’


I thought that was weird because I’ve always been honest here. Then I realised that I put it on an old blog about interior decorating. How awkward! It now has three new followers… perhaps I should direct them here.


Anyway, here it is.




Once we found out I was pregnant, my husband kind of freaked out. Here is why

Remaining morgage: $270,000

Personal loan: $37,000

Credit card a: $6,000

Credit card b: $4,000

Credit card c: $2,000


So here is our plan. I get paid week a and c and get $300. Both those weeks the whole wage is going on credit card a. This is because we have things come out of there regularly, however that will cover it plus extra.

On week b we’re taking $200 out of Michaels wage to put on card b and on week d we are putting $200 on card c.

On the weeks I get paid, with Michaels wage we will either put money on savings or use the extra money to fill up our cars with fuel etc.


Card c is cut up. Card b is about to be put into a container and frozen for emergencies.


That’s where we are up to.
