When enough is enough

For a little while now I’ve been concerned about what my life says about me.  Am I really living? When will I know when I am really living? Am I being the person I want to be? Am I spending my time wisely? When will fulfillment come? What changes can I make?

In the last 3 months I’ve made changes. I’ve started singing lessons, learnt how to mosaic, started a book club (two actually).

And I am happier- however actually achieving responsibilities is harder.

However, I still had this tugging feeling that other things in my life needed work. One of those things is all my excess stuff.

This was really brought out the other night.  I was on Facebook and a fond (who’s pregnant) mentioned she was finally convinced to buy maternity clothes. She stated the amount as if it was astronomical. It was less than I had spent earlier that week without even batting an eyelid. I felt such a strong conviction that I got out of bed and counted how many shoes I owned.

42 pairs, 42 pairs of shoes.

Most days I don’t even wear shoes.

The next day I did some googling and found a shop near buy that’s sells y your high end fashion items and gives you half the money. I rounded up some dresses, shoes and bags and headed over. She doesn’t take everything, just what she thinks she can sell. She took one dress, both pairs of shoes and all three bags. Once everything sells, I’ll make $111…. off things that literally just sat in my room and we’re rarely (if ever) used.

It was liberating and something I want to pursue further.

Because until I learn that I already have more than enough, I’m going to keep looking for what I have already achieved.
